Audition memories are being accepted for the decades that the LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts has been in existence (the 1980s through 2021). Audition stories from M&A and PA alumni are also being accepted. Send your stories to:
[email protected]
The Plan:
Imagine the yearning to get into a school which you are confident will change your life forever, but the only thing standing between you and your dream is THE AUDITION. These are the heartwarming stories of students of drama, dance, voice, art, and those talented at playing instruments that competed for: The School of Performing Arts, The High School of Music and Art, and The Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School for Music & Art and Performing Arts. Experience each storyteller’s exquisite anticipation as they relive that glorious feeling of getting into the FAME schools. Alumni contributed all stories and pictures to celebrate those wonderful years. CHASING THE DREAM – AUDITION STORIES FROM THE FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA HIGH SCHOOL OF MUSIC & ART AND PERFORMING ARTS is the third book in the series, which memorializes the excitement of getting-in and the joy of attending three very places you will never forget. Book Coming Soon
More than 200,000 years ago, a civilization of scholars and scientists disappeared from the face of the planet Altair IV. Learn how the tragedy occurred in this new short story based on the 1956 movie "Forbidden Planet."
The Fall of
The Krell
An excerpt from 'The Fall of the Krell'
As they headed toward the focal point of the site’s energy, Terribilis caught himself again thinking of the primary Plastic Educator, also known as the P.E. That area near the entrance contained the oldest of the power source connections. Attempting their mission in that sacred place held the possibility for the most success, but it also had a more significant amount of Krell traffic. Terribilis felt their vehicle moving close to free-fall as they continued their descent. His heart missed a beat as he reflected on how they had come to this point. Thousands of years ago, Krell scientists discovered the secrets of controlled matter manipulation at the atomic level. Any object could be built molecule by molecule from scratch by specialized machines. Soon after this, devices called Matter-Replicators were available to all Krell, based on the proclamation, “As we all share, we shall all grow.” These units were limited to feeding a sample of any piece of matter into the M-R for analysis...
For the rest of the story, read
The Story: During the year 1843, young Judy walks onto the slave ship Baroque Panthian but all signs point towards the secretive teenager setting up the situation herself. She has psychic abilities and is determined to become an influential spiritual figure in New Orleans, but everything changes after she’s enthralled with a married member of the Green family. In addition to Judy’s hopes, others in the city have needs and motivations on the insidious side. Secrets unfold as the line between truth and deception becomes blurred and good, and evil find a home. The Green Legacy is a work of fiction, but it also explores the writer’s family history. Most of the people in the story actually did exist.
Kindle CopiesTHE HOUSE FLY
Opening an old trunk unleashes the seven deadly sins, and a mysterious house fly. From that moment forward darker emotions sway Dyllon. This insect constantly finds its way into Dyllon and his love-life.
The Story - Dyllon lives with perpetual self-doubt as he grows up in a newly built housing community in Harlem, New York. His friends seem confident and untroubled when dealing with life, but Dyllon’s careful disposition is only holding him back. Idle curiosity driven by darker emotions causes Dyllon to release the seven deadly sins from his father’s clothing trunk, forever changing his peaceful world. Dyllon becomes an increasingly comfortable player in the dance hall of life as the lies and deceit pile up. Through reckless bouts with assorted girlfriends, he eventually falls for the cheerful and confident Kelly. Dyllon feels she could be the one but the demons that haunt him think otherwise.
Reflections of EL: In Search of Self - the fictionalized autobiography of the author’s quest to understand life and love.
Get a FREE Kindle copy of:
PRECIOUS MEMORIES Audition Stories and More from the High School of Music and Art Memories Free
FREE Kindle copies available from Amazon:
Wed, September 23, 2020 Thur, September 24, 2020
Imagine anxiously walking in school every day and fulfilling your dream to explore your musical and artistic talents. Packed in this Kindle edition are inspirational stories and memorable photographs that take you to the place lovingly known as ‘The Castle on the Hill.” Alumni who hold Music & Art dear to their hearts contributed all stories and pictures to celebrate those wonderful years.
Get a FREE Kindle copy of:
AUDITION STORIES I Got Accepted To The High School of Music and Art Stories Free
FREE Kindle copies available from Amazon:
Wed, September 16, 2020 Thur, September 17, 2020
Every student accepted to the HIGH SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ART had to go through THE AUDITION. These are the true stories from alumni who experienced the anxiety of being tested and soon found that that glorious feeling of trying to get in was only the beginning. Audition Stories - I Got Accepted to the High School of Music and Art is both Inspiring and painful but always triumphant as each storyteller bears their heart and soul.
Why should love be so confusing.
STAR-CROSSED SOLUTIONS Explanations, advice and stories about romance.
If you are serious in your quest, there are absolute basics. One is treating the other person the way you would yourself. Problems erupt when one person places the other person on a pedestal. For example, when a guy allows a girl to holler at him in public when he would never act this way towards her. If he does not complain because he thinks he might lose her, this is the beginning of a problem. In contrast, if both people are hollering at each other in the company of others and are both happy with it, as strange as it seems, it could be a match made in heaven.
On June 24, 1947, the first "flying saucer" was sighted.
It was actually a lost Captain's Yacht (Star Trek) Read: THE CALYPSO FIVE - short story The Tale of
The Calypso Five
Excerpt from the story:
“Mission update: After lifting off from Starfleet in the Calypso, my team and I climbed to the upper thermosphere’s darkness. As per our flight plan, we performed exercises in space to test the craft’s performance and then began our descent. At the altitude of 248.5 miles, the ship’s instruments detected an unregistered spatial anomaly. Its swirling effects caused the sudden failure of all onboard ship systems, so avoiding the anomaly was not an option. Our oval-shaped craft moved through the spatial disturbance for an estimated nine seconds. We are exiting the outer rim of the anomaly, the ship’s power has returned, and we are attempting to establish our location. After making the necessary course corrections, we will return to the Academy in San Francisco. End log entry.” Nicholas exhaled slowly. What he didn’t mention was that their being off course was an understatement. Fortunately, if anyone could get them back on the right path with the least amount of embarrassment, Jean could. Besides, her pleasant but strong personality could charm a snake. He stared forward to where she sat at the navigational panel just right of the main viewing screen...
For the rest of the story, read
The final book cover for BEYOND THE CASTLE ON THE HILL - Chronicles of the WELL Book 2 is below. Finding the right balance of ideas, which act as a hook to promote a book properly, is always the challenge for a writer. But a great looking, eye-catching book cover draws you in long before the written word can hook you. The old saying "You can't judge a book by its' cover" is usually right, but a good cover can make a difference. That's a fact.
Final Book
Thanks to the graphic artists of, the idea I had for the cover of the book became a reality. I usually use the same artists, and their professional touch is worth the money.
I've learned to format the manuscript for paperback and Kindle, so that step I did myself. I'm presently doing the final read-throughs to make sure there are no changes needed. Lastly, the book and cover will be placed in KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) to set up the book description, categories, pricing, etc. All that's left after that is to hit the launch button, to make it available to the public.
The release for BEYOND THE CASTLE ON THE HILL will be on Friday, March 6, 2020.
Dora, Ethan, and the others are looking forward to meeting you.